Planned Giving

Since 1925, when Mrs. Stephen I. Munger made the Museum’s first planned gift, the Dallas Museum of Art has received support from many thoughtful individuals who, through financial and estate planning, have helped ensure the Museum’s ability to inspire and engage visitors for generations to come.

With a planned gift you can

  • Provide for you and your loved ones
  • Enjoy charitable income and/or gift or estate tax deductions
  • Make a more significant gift to the Museum than you could in your lifetime
  • Leave a legacy for the Dallas Museum of Art

The DMA welcomes the opportunity to work with you and your financial advisor on your planned gift. There are a variety of financial vehicles available to help you reach your financial and philanthropic goals:

  • Bequests
  • Life insurance policies
  • Retirement plan assets
  • Life income plans
  • Gifts of art*

* If you are considering a gift of art to the DMA, you should first contact the appropriate curatorial department to discuss the gift.

Munger Society

The Munger Society recognizes and honors those who have thoughtfully provided for the DMA through their estate and financial plans. There are no fees and dues associated with membership in the Munger Society. As a member of the Munger Society, you will enjoy

  • An invitation to an annual recognition event with special guest speakers
  • An invitation to a special exhibition opening or event each year
  • Recognition on our website and in the DMA’s annual report and various other publications

Before making a gift to the DMA, you should consult with your financial, tax, and legal advisors for an analysis of your individual situation to decide which of these ways of giving works best for you.

For more information on the Munger Society and Planned Giving, please fill out this request to receive materials on getting organized, gifts of artwork, and planning for peace of mind, or call 214-922-1283.