Translating Culture...

Translating Culture . . . Community Voices at the DMA

During Translating Culture . . . Community Voices at the DMA, eleven members of the Dallas chapter of AVANCE learned about the DMA’s collection through looking and discussion exercises; homework designed to engage the participant’s imagination and intellect through writing, observation, and sharing; and the exploration of methods for conveying thoughts and ideas. C3 staff and Janeil Engelstad, founder of MAP – Make Art with Purpose, co-led these workshops, which took place twice a week throughout the summer of 2013.

Working independently, in pairs, and as a group, participants wrote personal interpretations about a work of art of their choice. These texts, along with images of the selected art and portraits of the participants, are included in a Spanish and English language guide, which is available in both print form and on the DMA website. The guides launched in November 2013 as a part of MAP 2013, a festival and exhibition of social practice projects. These bilingual guides are still available; ask for them at the Visitor Services Desk.