Home: Neighborhood of the Heart

Home: Neighborhood of the Heart
by C3 Visiting Artist Ellie Ivanova
MayAugust 2018

Home: Neighborhood of the Heart is a participatory art installation by C3 Visiting Artist Ellie Ivanova in which personal history, daily life, and dreams act as the foundation for images of individual homes. When viewed as a whole, these visitor-contributed elements create a continuous, imaginary neighborhood. Visitors receive a thin transparency square on which they use black markers to draw their current, lost, or imagined home. The individual pieces will then be used by the artist as composite negatives to create cyanotype “neighborhood maps” in which these representations of homes from diverse or imagined neighborhoods are assembled into something new. In this symbolic coming-together, existing zoning and city boundaries will be crossed. Dreams and reality will merge into an imagined community.

Home: Neighborhood of the Heart uses cyanotype, a historic photographic process that has long been a tool for scientific imaging, architectural designs, and technical drawing. This self-guided activity merges the technical and artistic use of cyanotypes.